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Reducing Risk of Re-Injury with Wearable Technology

22 May 2024
Spotlight Stage
Driver Safety , Injury Prevention , Innovation Hub , Manual handling & Forklift Safety , Technology

Imagine if every worker had access to a personal injury prevention coach, just like our sporting stars do. Instead of a one-size-fits-all training and rehab program, these coaches would tailor programs to individual movement habits and job roles, helping workers to prevent future injuries. Imagine if a manager and injured worker could monitor daily work completion during rehabilitation, a proactive step in preventing re-injury. Andrew will share Preventure's journey to translate the technology and methodology used in elite sports, into an effective, evidence-based (and sustainable) workplace solution. Join us for a deep dive into the health science that sits behind the data, and an examination of real case studies from workplaces. Including the real costs involved in implementing a wearable sensor and data-driven return-to-work program.

Andrew McColl, Occupational Health and Safety Specialist - Preventure


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